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Organization and Governance

The Executive Committee shall consist of between five and fifteen Trustees, as decided by the Board of Trustees from time to time. The following shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee: the President of the Board of Trustees, who shall be the President of the Executive Committee, the Vice Presidents of the Board of Trustees and, in general, the ex-officio Trustees.

During 2025 the position of President is held by “KPMG ABOGADOS, S.L.P.” represented by Mr. Ignacio Ucelay Sanz; to exercise his functions in the event of his absence there is a Vice President, currently held by Mr. Víctor Viana Barral, on behalf of “URÍA MENÉNDEZ ABOGADOS, S.L.P.”; being established that the position of Vice President will be held by the member of the Board of Trustees who will hold the position of President in the following year. The Vice President also serves as Treasurer.

The duties of the Secretary of the Foundation include convening the meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, according to the instructions of the President, taking and signing the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees, ensuring good governance, regulatory compliance, efficiency and transparency of the corporate bodies of the Foundation, keeping the documentation of the Foundation and duly reflecting the development of its meetings in the minutes book of the Board of Trustees. The duties of Secretary are assumed by Uría Menendez Abogados S.L.P., represented by Mr. Jesús López Tello.

In accordance with the provisions of the bylaws, Ms. Cristina Fernández Rodríguez (“KPMG ABOGADOS, S.L.P.”) who will also assist the Chief Executive Officer in the performance of her duties.

To carry out the day-to-day management and administration of the Foundation, exercising the powers delegated to it by the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees appoints a General Manager, a position that must be held by a person outside the Board of Trustees. Among his functions is to act as Secretary of the Executive Committee and of the Working Committees, with voice but without vote. At the moment, the position of General Manager is held by Mr. Ginés Navarro Fernández.