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We share with you the actions of the Foundation, from beginning to end of each project. Hoping to attract your attention and even encourage you to send your comments, always well received.

AEASE signs up to the joint institutional statement in favour of the introuction of alternative dispute resolution measures

Following the joint institutional statement that, as the culmination of the project promoted by Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad on “Tax  litigiousness: alternative means of settlement and facilitation measures” , was formalized in late 2023 by the Foundation and other institutions that had participated in the Seminars which were arranged to…

2024 Action Plan

Like every year, in accordance with the legal obligations imposed on foundations, FIC’s Board of Trustees approved the 2014 Action Plan at its last meeting last year.  It seems appropriate to share this Plan with our contacts, underscoring its most significant aspects. The project on “European Union Law and the…

Tax reform: Observations on the draft bill establishing a supplementary tax to ensure a global minimum level of taxation in multinational groups and large spanish groups

In liking with the interest that this topic has always triggered for the Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad, it has presented certain observations as part of the processing of this new regulation which transposes the European Directive on the subject. As a result of the significance of this rule, the Fundación…

FIC’s collaboration in the report of the Secretariat of State for Finance on the “Evaluation of the effects of the anti-tax fraud law ”

During January the website of the Ministry of Finance included the report on the “Evaluation of the effects of the anti-tax fraud law” within general information on CURRENT EVENTS and framed within the information on “Actions by the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service in relation the Recovery, Transformation and…

Tax reform: Observations on the transposition into spanish law of directive (EU) 2022/ on ensuring a global minimum of taxation for enterprise groups.

As part of the ongoing monitoring of the production of tax legislation, the Trustees of Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad have presented their preliminary observations on the transposition of the aforementioned Directive. Based on what was the BEPS Action 1 Plan, “Tax challenges arising from the digital economy for multinational enterprises”…

8th Cycle of Symposium Talks. First session

On Thursday, 23 February the first session of the eighth cycle of talks organised by the Foundation took place. The content of this first session was basically procedural and, focused in particularly, on the analysis of the cassation appeal. The first presentation was given by Mr José Antonio Montero Fernández,…