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Direct taxation

Tax reform: Observations on the draft bill establishing a supplementary tax to ensure a global minimum level of taxation in multinational groups and large spanish groups

In liking with the interest that this topic has always triggered for the Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad, it has presented certain observations as part of the processing of this new regulation which transposes the European Directive on the subject. As a result of the significance of this rule, the Fundación…

Tax reform: Comments on the draft bill establishing a supplementary tax to ensure a global minimum level of taxation in multinational groups and large spanish groups

As part of the ongoing monitoring of the production of tax legislation, the Trustees of Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad have presented their preliminary observations on the aforementioned draft bill which aims to complete the transposition of European Directive 2022/2523 of the Council of 15 December 2022. This process which ends…

Tax reform: Observations on the transposition into spanish law of directive (EU) 2022/ on ensuring a global minimum of taxation for enterprise groups.

As part of the ongoing monitoring of the production of tax legislation, the Trustees of Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad have presented their preliminary observations on the transposition of the aforementioned Directive. Based on what was the BEPS Action 1 Plan, “Tax challenges arising from the digital economy for multinational enterprises”…

Tax reform: Observations on the transposition into spanish law of directive (EU) 2022/ on ensuring a global minimum of taxation for enterprise groups

As part of the ongoing monitoring of the production of tax legislation, the Trustees of Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad have presented their preliminary observations on the transposition of the aforementioned Directive. Based on what was the BEPS Action 1 Plan, “Tax challenges arising from the digital economy for multinational enterprises” and within…

Earned income: Proposals for the energization of the tax regime

Following almost 9 years of research sponsored by Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad since its formation, it was time that attention be turned to Personal Income Tax. It was therefore unsurprising that the Foundation’s Plan of Action for 2019 should include a project relating to this tax. The specific project in…

El camino hacia una fiscalidad competitiva en España, a debate

La necesidad de abordar una estrategia fiscal nacional competitiva para la empresa española ha sido el eje del debate que ha reunido hoy en Barcelona a representantes de Foment del Treball, CEOE y REAF junto con la Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad, en una jornada organizada por la patronal catalana. Josep…