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End of the project on alternative dispute resolution measures

In keeping with its concern for tax litigiousness, the Foundation is once again looking at the issue of alternative measures for the resolution of tax disputes, continuing its work published in 2015, which at the time focused on the proposal for the implementation of arbitration.

This new work, titled “Tax litigiousness: alternative means of settlement and facilitation measures – addresses the need to bring in new formulas to resolve disputes in administrative, economic administrative and jurisdictional proceedings and similarly advises on certain measures for to  expedite the process through administrative -contentious proceedings.

The Seminars organised by the Foundation played a significant role in the project’s  completion, with the participation of numerous speakers taking part on behalf of the AEAT, TEAC, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, and Consejo de Defensa del Contribuyente-,  on the public side – and AEDAF, AEDF, CIJA-UAM, CEOE, Consejo General de la Abogacía, ICAM, FEDE, FIDE and REAF- on behalf of the private sector -.  Their participation, which does not evidently entail the endorsement of any of the specific solutions proposed by the FIC, was very useful in  analysing the different solutions from different points of view, underscoring their practical feasibility.

The public presentation of the project,  which has been coordinated on this occasion by URíA MENENDEZ,  will begin in a few weeks.