September 28th, 2022 - Instituto de Estudios Fiscales
The second presentation session of the latest work of Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad, “Current issues concerning tax application procedures and proposals for improvement,” took place at the headquarters of the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Alain Cuenca, Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, and José Manuel Bunes, as trustee of…
February 22nd, 2022 - Headquarters of SEOPAN
The second presentation session of the latest research work carried out by Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad, published in November 2021 under the title “Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty: Current situation and proposals for the future” took place on Tuesday at the headquarters of SEOPAN (Spanish Association of Construction Companies and…
January 18th, 2022 - Sevilla
Under the chairmanship of the Regional Minister of Finance and European Financing, Mr Bravo Baena, with Mr Cuesta Domínguez (Cuatrecasas) representing the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, the project promoted by Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad was presented at the headquarters of the Regional Ministry, in the Torre Triana building. The event…
November 2nd, 2021 - Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid
Following the publication, in July last year, of its latest research work – “State aid in relation to taxes: Spanish experience and current context” – the Tax and Competitiveness Foundation organised the project’s third presentation session. In association with the Madrid Bar Association, on this occasion, it was essentially an…
October 14th, 2021 - CEOE
Adapting to changing circumstances is a must for progress in all human activities. In recent months, the pandemic has prevented us from presenting our projects to all those wishing to attend in person, but we have grown used to online sessions, allowing greater adaptability and more efficient time management. In…
July 7th, 2021 - Center for Political and Constitutional Studies
Following the recent completion of research on this matter, published under the title “Las ayudas de Estado en el ámbito tributario: Experiencia española y contexto actual” (State aid in relation to taxes: Spanish experience and current context), the Tax and Competitiveness Foundation (FIC) is organising the public presentation of the…
November 30th, 2020 - Institute for Fiscal Studies
The Institute for Fiscal Studies hosted the presentation of the latest work of the Tax and Competitiveness Foundation (Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad) which on this occasion focused on an analysis of tax governance. The event was held by telematic means although there was limited in-person attendance. Mr Alain García Cuenca,…
September 11th, 2019 - Foment del Treball Nacional, Barcelona
La necesidad de abordar una estrategia fiscal nacional competitiva para la empresa española ha sido el eje del debate que ha reunido hoy en Barcelona a representantes de Foment del Treball, CEOE y REAF junto con la Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad, en una jornada organizada por la patronal catalana. Josep…
October 29th, 2018 - Foment del Treball Nacional, Barcelona
This Monday, October 29th, Foment del Treball and the Tax and Competitiveness Foundation organised a debate on the reform of environmental taxation. The participants were Valentí Pich, Chair of Foment del Treball’s Economy and Taxation Committee, Josep Bagué, Chair of the Catalan Employers’ Association’s Environment Committee, and Maximino Linares Gil,…
October 16th, 2018 - Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation
The desirable legal certainty and the difficulties in the application of the tax system. On Tuesday 16 October 2018, in the Main Hall of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, the public presentation took place of the book “Tax avoidance and anti-abuse clauses in Supreme Court jurisprudence”, authored by…
July 19th, 2017 - Institute of Fiscal Studies
Culmination of the project In mid 2016, the Board of Trustees of Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad decided that a detailed analysis of the measures proposed by the BEPS Action Plan was called for. From September 2016 through to May 2017, the Fundación posted on its web site the different papers…
May 22nd, 2017 - Ramón Areces Foundation
Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad considers this to be the appropriate time to reflect on the status of the special scheme for non-profit entities, including the provisions on sponsorship and patronage, despite the latest legislative reforms affecting the tax treatment of patronage. The increasing responsibility taken on by non-profits in finding…